15-18 May 2024 Aegina (Greece)

Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterial #4

SAM 2024 is over, thank you all !

We were delighted to welcome you all in Aegina for the 4th edition of SAM.

It has been a wonderful edition, and we would like to thank you all, presenters, attendees and of course plenary lecturers. We had a great time and hope you also had,

You can find the last version of the book of abstract here: BoA

Now, we are looking forward the next edition of the Symposium. You want to be part of the organizing team  ? Please let us know, we would be more than happy to welcome you on board,



The fourth edition of the "Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials" (SAM) will be held in Aegina, Greece, from May 15th to 18th, 2024.


This Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials is mainly dedicated to Ph.D. students and Early Career Investigators  (i.e. researcher whose career spun less than 8 years since the date of the PhD) and aims at sharing new advances and breakthroughs as well as fostering the community of young researchers in the field of acoustic metamaterials. The fourth SAM will be organised around 6 different sessions comprising 20 min talks and plenary lectures.

Among others, addressed topics will be related to:

  • Acoustic/elastic metamaterials and phononic crystals,
  • Acoustic/elastic metasurfaces,
  • Non-reciprocity, parity-time symmetry and temporal modulation for the manipulation of acoustic/elastic waves,
  • Non-linear, non-Hermitian and topological acoustic/elastic systems,
  • New applications of metamaterial-based functional devices for acoustic sensing, cloaking, imaging, absorption, insulation, energy harvesting.


Participation fees for presenters/attendees at the Symposium: 250.00€.

This fee covers 3 lunches + morning and afternoon catering + Thursday's guided tour of To Be Confirmed + social event from 15th May 2024 to 18th May 2024.

Plenary speakers:

  • Agnès Maurel, DR CNRS, Institut Langevin, ESPCI (FR)
  • Ada Amendola, Pr, University of Salerno, Salerno (IT)
  • Michael Haberman, Pr, The University of Texas, Austin (US)
  • Kosmas Tsakmakidis, Pr, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR)

Social activities:

Different social and dissimination activities will be organised during the symposium. See here for more details.





About the previous editions of SAM

The 1st SAM was held in Xàtiva (Spain) from 7th to 9th November 2018, and was co-organized by YRAM, the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and COST Action DENORMS (CA 15225). It was the first YRAM action to foster the community of young researchers in the field of Acoustic and Elastic metamaterial. It brought together 70 people, mainly ECIs. The scientific concert, open to all Xatìva inhabitants, and espacially children, was a great success. The concert hall was fully booked.

The 2nd SAM was held in Ischia (Italy) from 9th to 11th October 2019, and was co-organized by YRAM, the University of Salerno and COST Action DENORMS. It brought together 70 people from around the world, of which many ECIs. A scientific popularization event on Acoustics Through Movies was held. The scientific event, open to all Ischia inhabitants, was a great success counting over a hundred participants.

The 3rd SAM was held in Nîmes (France) from 19th to 22nd October 2022, and was solely organized by YRAM. Not less than 75 people from around the world attended the event,with ECIs. A scientific popularization exhibition on Acoustics Metamaterials through Comic Books was proposed in the Centre Carré d'Arts of Nîmes. The exhibition was opened to public for 1.5 months, and many schools came for a guided tour given by members of YRAM the week of the event. It was a great success counting over a thousand of visitors.


SAM 2018 - Xativa SAM 2019 - Ischia SAM 2022 - Nîmes




Key dates

October,25th: Opening of the website

December, 4th: Opening of the abstract submissions

March, 15th: March 31st: Extended deadline for abstract submission

April, 15th: April, 30th: Extended end of registration

May, 15th-17th: Symposium

May, 18th: Extra social day in Athens



Thank you to all our partners and sponsors for their trust and support!

If you want to sponsor this event, please contact yram.contact@gmail.com or sam-2024@sciencesconf.org 





GDR Archimeta














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